BREDA Emma Ludovica

- Biography
Born in Padova in 1997, in 2022 she graduated with honours in Law from Trento’s University, discussing a thesis titled: “Criminal law protection of environment and health in the “risk-era”. Causal assessment and culpability relating to the new crimes under articles 452-ter and 452-quarter of the Italian penal code”, tutor Professor Alessandro Melchionda.
While at university, she had studied at Queen’s University (Belfast) thanks to the Erasmus programme, and she did an internship in Rovereto’s Court (criminal section).
She is currently doing an internship in the Law firm of Professor Alessandro Melchionda in Bologna.ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL
Condotta, causalità ed evento nei nuovi “eco-delitti” con offesa alla salute umana (n. 1-2024)