- Biography
Riccardo Battistoni was born in 1995 in Turin, where he attended the Massimo D'Azeglio State Classical High School and graduated in 2014.
He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Law in October 2019, defending a thesis titled "Criminal Law and Protection of the Sexual Integrity of Disabled People" under the supervision of Professor Davide Petrini.
In July 2021, he obtained a diploma from the Scuola di specializzazione per le professioni legali "Bruno Caccia e Fulvio Croce" in Turin, with a thesis entitled "The Temporal Limits of Extended Confiscation," supervised by Professor Marco Pelissero.
He has been authorized to practice law since September 20, 2022.
Currently, he is a PhD student in Criminal Law and teaching assistant at the Università del Piemonte orientale, where he is supervised by Professor Davide Petrini, Professor Serena Quattrocolo, and Dr. Alessandro Provera.ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL
La tutela penale delle generazioni future alla prova della teoria del bene giuridico (n. 3\2023)