- Biography
He is a lawyer specialising in criminal law, Doctor in Law and associate lecturer in the Department of Criminal Law at the Universitat de València (EG). He has published three monographs (El principio de irretroactividad y la sucesión de leyes penales: Una perspectiva desde el derecho comparado, Editorial Jurídica Continental, 2002; Fundamentos de la sucesión de leyes en el Derecho penal español: Existencia y aplicabilidad temporal de las leyes penales, J.M. Bosch, 2004; Peritos dependientes de organismos públicos y su imparcialidad en el proceso penal, Francis Lefevbre, 2020).
He is the author of several articles and book chapters on various topics of substantive and procedural criminal law, such as the criminal offence against the environment, the constitutional protection of the right to secrecy of communications, technical rules as defining elements of the duty of care in reckless crimes and the exemption from liability due to mental anomaly or alteration.ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL