MEZZANOTTE Valeria Federica Maria

- Biography
Degree in Agricultural Sciences with a thesis in Microbiology ("Investigation into the microflora of Lake Orta, with particular reference to the nitrogen cycle")
1982 - 1993 Collaboration with the Institute of Sanitary Engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan (currently the Environmental Section of the D.I.C.A.).
1985 - 1988 Research Doctorate in Sanitary Engineering (second cycle). Experimental thesis ("The recovery of Lake Varese: current situation and future prospects") carried out at the JRC-Ispra and IRSA-CNR laboratories in Brugherio.
1991-1993 Post-doctoral fellowship at the Politecnico di Milano (Environmental Section of the Department of Hydraulic, Environmental and Surveying Engineering) for research on the treatment of wastewater from the dyeing industry and on the possibilities of its reuse.
Since 1993 Researcher at the Department of Environmental and Territorial Sciences, University of Milan in SSD BIO/07 Ecology.
In 2017 qualified to the role of Professor of II Fascia in SSD BIO/07 Ecology.
The research carried out and those in progress can be traced back to 5 main strands:
1. Disposal and reuse of solid waste and sludge,
2. Study of surface water bodies and quantification of pollutant loads
3. Treatment and reuse of urban and industrial sewage
4. Assessment of the input, removal and biodegradability of specific pollutants
5. Biological and microbiological aspects of wastewater and drinking water treatment
6. Use of microalgae in wastewater treatment.
Lecturer in Environmental Impact Assessment from 1997-98 for the degree course in Science and Technology for the Environment and the Territory at the University of Milan Bicocca, in Applied Ecology for the degree course in Analysis and Management of Natural Resources from 2005-06 to 2011-12 at the University of Insubria and in several cycles of lectures for first and second level Masters at the University of Milan Bicocca, the University of Milan and the Polytechnic of Milan and the University of Parma.
Il punto di vista dell’ecologia delle acque nell’interpretazione della legge n. 68/2015 (n. 1\2019)