- Biography
Born in 1991, he graduated with honors in law from the University of Pisa in 2015, discussing a thesis in criminal law entitled "Corruption between individuals: between dogmatics and criminal politics", supervisor Prof. Alberto Gargani.
Since 2016 he has been collaborating with the professorships of Criminal Law and Criminal Law of Economics of the University of Pisa, holding seminars and taking part in exam commissions.
Since 2019 he has been a lecturer in Criminal Law at the University of Pisa.
He qualified as a lawyer in 2018, and works as a lawyer in the criminal field in Lucca, at the office of Prof. Avv. Enrico Marzaduri and Avv. Carlo Di Bugno.
He is the author of various publications published in legal journals, particularly on the subject of corruption between private individuals, self-laundering, corporate liability pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, whistleblowing, relationships between real precautionary measures and insolvency procedures, punitive civil offenses.ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL
Osservazioni in tema di “impedimento del controllo” n.1\2022