- Biography
Since 2019 Associate Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Palermo where she teaches Criminal Law of Migration and Criminal Law at the Trapani branch. Author of several publications on criminal law of the environment, organised crime and immigration, she has participated in numerous national and international research projects on organised crime and criminal law of migration.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of the "Permanent Laboratory of Criminal Law and Procedure" - Diplap and of the Scientific Committee of the journal "Lexambiente - Rivista trimestrale di diritto penale dell'ambiente", of the journal Percorsi Penali and of the Scientific Committee for the evaluation of the journal "Archivio penale".ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL
Prospettive di riforma della tutela penale dell'ambiente nel diritto europeo e sovranazionale (n. 3-2021)