- Biography
Stefano Zirulia (1983) is Researcher (Rtd-b) at the University of Milan, Department of Legal Sciences "Cesare Beccaria", where he teaches European Criminal Law and Labour Criminal Law and Corporate Compliance.
In 2007 he graduated with honours from the Statale University of Milan, and in the same University he subsequently obtained a PhD in Criminal Law, under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Viganò. Since 2018, he has been qualified to serve as a professor of second rank for the sector IUS/17 (criminal law).
He is the author of numerous publications on causality, risk criminal law and environmental criminal law. He also deals with the relationship between criminal law and fundamental rights, also with reference to criminal immigration law. He was co-defender of the applicants before the Grand Chamber of the Strasbourg Court in the case Khlaifia and Others v. Italy (2016).
He has been a visiting student at the University of Berkeley, visiting scholar at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht in Freiburg, visiting scholar at the University of Lund. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of Sistema penale and of the Rivista trimestrale di diritto penale dell'ambiente. He is also a member of the MacroCrimes research centre (University of Ferrara) and of the Academy of Law and Immigration (University of Tuscia). He is a lecturer at the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, as well as at specialisation and post-graduate courses. He has spoken as a speaker at numerous national and international conferences and seminars. He is the author of the monograph Esposizione a sostanze tossiche e responsabilità penale (Giuffrè, 2018). For the list of publications please refer to the CV on the personal page of the University website.ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL