- Biography
Born in 1965. He is a confirmed associate professor of Constitutional Law in the Department of Law of the University of Milan-Bicocca, where he also taught Public Law Institutions and Regional Law and still teaches Foreigners' Law.
He holds a national scientific qualification for the position of full professor of Constitutional Law.
Since 1991, in over 120 publications in books, monographs and legal journals, he has dealt with legal issues concerning security, national defence, terrorism and democratic constitutions, equality and racial and religious discrimination, constitutional powers of the President of the Republic, preparation of governmental regulatory acts, promulgation and publication of laws, legislative, administrative and financial functions of the regions, social and family rights, social assistance, immigration, legal status of foreigners, and asylum law.
He is a member of the faculty of the Doctorate in Legal Sciences at the University of Milan-Bicocca.
Member of the Italian Association of Constitutionalists (AIC) and of the Pisa Group Association.
He is the director of the Master's Degree in Foreigners' Law and Migration Policies at the University of Milan-Bicocca, two editions of which have been held so far.
He is a member of the Note dall'Europa working group of the journal Quaderni costituzionali and of the editorial board of the journal Diritto, immigrazione e cittadinanza, for which he also edits the Italian Observatory every four months.
He has been a member of the Association for Legal Studies on Immigration (ASGI) since 1991 and is a member of its Board of Directors.
He has participated in three study groups of the ASTRID Foundation.
He is a member of the Academy of Law and Immigration (ADIM), where he is a member of various research groups and one of the coordinators of the laboratory on Italian law.
He has carried out various consultancies for state, regional and local administrations, especially on the legal issues of immigration and security. He has conducted training sessions on constitutional law and foreigners' law for magistrates, including the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, police forces, regional and local officials and third sector operators.ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL