- Biography
Born in 1979, he graduated in Law at the University of Verona in 2002 with full marks and honors. He started the legal traineeship and the research activity in Criminal law as a fellow of prof. Giovanni Fiandaca in the University of Palermo.
In 2004-2007 he attended, with a scholarship, the Ph. D. in Criminal law at the University of Macerata, obtaining the Ph. D. title in 2008.
Since 2005, he is qualified as lawyer, and currently registered in the special bar of University Professors.
He is member of the Scientific Committee of Lexambiente. Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Penale dell’Ambiente (Quarterly Review of Environmental Criminal Law), and of Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights, and is member of the Reviewers' Committee of the reviews Legislazione penale and Penale. Diritto e Procedura.
He has carried out research and teaching assignments at foreign Universities and research Institutes, such as the Law Center of Georgetown University in Washington D.C. (U.S.A.), the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in London (U.K.), the University of Jaèn (Spain) and the IPCA in Barcelos (Portugal).
He participated in the national research programs PRIN 2005 and PRIN 2009, coordinated by Professors Savona and Fiandaca, in various research programs of the University of Palermo, coordinated by Prof. Fiandaca, and was Principal Investigator for the Criminal Law part of the research project "Environmental Law and Economics", funded by the University Kore (Enna) in 2018.
Since 2006, he has taught Criminal law for the Specialization Schools for the Legal Professions of Palermo and Trapani, for the Forensic Schools of Caltanissetta and Enna, and for the Presidency of the Sicily Region.
Since academic year 2008-2009, he was Criminal Law professor on contract of at the Inter-University Degree Course in Law, University of Palermo and University of Central Sicily "Kore" (Enna); research fellow at the University of Palermo; researcher and aggregate professor of Criminal law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Central Sicily "Kore" (Enna), and associate professor of Criminal law in the same University, after the National Scientific Qualification in the 2012 session. He is qualified as full professor (National Scientific Qualification 2018-20).ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL
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L’abusività della condotta nei reati ambientali. Questioni de iure condito e de iure condendo (n. 3\2023)