MORI Emiliano

- Biography
Emiliano Mori, born on 20 December 1985 in Siena (CF: MROMLN85T20I726C), obtained in 2009 his Master degree in Biodiversity and Evolution at the University of Pisa with a thesis on the genetic structure and phylogeography of the black francolin (Aves: Galliformes), with a final grade of 110/110, cum laude and academic honours.
During her thesis internship, she developed a keen interest in conservation biology, in particular in issues related to introduced species. While attending the Master of II Level in Animal Biodiversity Conservation at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome, she obtained a work grant in the province of Biella to carry out a checklist of vertebrates in a historical garden.
He finished his master's degree in November 2010, with a thesis on the allochthonous fauna of the Selva di Paliano (Frosinone), in collaboration with ARP Lazio and NEMO Ambiente.
At the same time, she was awarded a PhD without scholarship in Evolutionary Biology at the University of Siena, on the spatial ecology of porcupines in contrasting ecological contexts.
During his three years of PhD, he carried out non-funded research projects on parakeet populations in Italy, on the impact of domestic cats on wildlife, and in general on rodent behaviour (including in vivo capture), to which both his PhD and the ATIt, of whose Board of Directors he has been a member since 2016, brought him closer.
In November 2013, he is a founding member of the Association "Ecological Succession", of which he was vice-president until 2019, a national network with the aim of promoting cultural and scientific exchange between young people working in the field of environmental biology, ecology and natural sciences understood in a broad sense.
From the end of 2013 to 2016, he held a research fellowship at the University of Turin, where he worked on the conservation of rodents and soricomorphs terragnoli and common squirrels at the Gran Paradiso National Park.
During his three years at the University of Turin, he captured small mammals and arboreal sciurids using live traps, gaining experience.
In addition, he has been a member of the Management Committee of the pan-European COST Action "ParrotNet" since 2013.
Between 2016 and 2020, she worked at the University of Siena with studies varying from penguin population genetics to the ecological impact of wild boar on small mammals and habitats of community importance.
In 2017-2018, she worked for the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in a project on Siberian tamia in Veneto, and on the coexistence between this invasive species and native rodents.
He has been using R software since 2013 in particular the packages overlap, ade4, adehabitatHR, unmarked, gplots, lme4, circstat.
He is currently Researcher at the National Research Council - Institute for Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems - Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019, Sesto Fiorentino (FI).ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL
Pandemie e perdita di habitat: quale il nesso? (co-autore, n. 2-2020)