- Biography
Dr. Perruccio Andrea is a PhD student in Criminal Law at the University of Insubria (winner in 1st position in the final ranking of the public competition for admission to the PhD course in Law and Human Sciences, XXXIX cycle, ordinary places) .
He acts, as a speaker, in conferences on the subject of crimes against Cultural Heritage and the environment (24.06.11, Villa Cerami, Catania, Department of Law; 24.04.9, Pinacoteca civica, Como, doctoral lessons on the subject of fake in art). Since 2023 he has been co-author with the lawyer Francesco E. Salamone of the manual "Argomenti di Diritto penale dei Beni culturali", published by Giappichelli (currently being published). Graduated cum laude in Law from the University of Insubria. He carries out an internship in Court ex art. 73, legislative decree 69/2013 (Court of Como, criminal area, section). He passes, with flying colors, the written tests of the public competition for 120 Penitentiary Police Commissioners, announced with d.d. 24 June 2021 (criminal law topic: vote 30/30; penitentiary law topic: vote 29/30 - sessions of 24 and 25 March 2022).ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL