- Biography
Marco Pierdonati graduated in Law with honours from the University of Rome "Roma Tre", where he obtained a PhD in criminal law and procedure (19th cycle).
Since 2005 he has been working as a researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht in Freiburg, directed by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sieber.
Since 2009, he has been a Researcher at the University of Teramo, Faculty of Law, and was confirmed in the role of University Researchers in 2012.
Since 2014 he is Aggregate Professor of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Teramo, where he teaches Commercial Criminal Law and, for the academic year 2020/2021, Criminal Law I and II.
He teaches criminal law at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions at the University of Teramo. He is also a lecturer in environmental criminal law at the Master's Degree Course in Energy and Environmental Law at the University of Teramo.
He is the author of numerous publications, including three monographs: "Dolo e astamento nelle fattispecie penali c.d. "pregnanti", Naples, 2012; "I confini dell'induzione indebita. Il valore euristico dei casi problematici", Naples, 2018; "La confisca nel sistema dei delitti contro l'ambiente", Milan, 2020.ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL