Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Penale dell'ambiente 
Rivista classificata scientifica per il settore IUS17 da ANVUR - ISSN 2612-2113



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Marina Poggi d’Angelo (January 16, 1989) graduated in June 2014 at "Sapienza - University of Rome" and in February 2020 she obtained a PhD in criminal law at the same University, under the supervision of prof. Marco Gambardella, discussing a thesis entitled "The unlawful danger model in economic crimes".
In 2021 she was a senior research fellow for research activities in Criminal Law at "Sapienza-University of Rome" and professor of Criminal Law I for the tutoring activity at the same University.
He has lectured at various conferences, including international ones. He has had teaching positions in the Law Degree Course and in various advanced training courses and second level university masters.
In October 2017 she obtained the qualification to practice law and since June 2018 she has been enrolled in the Register of Lawyers of the Court of Rome.
Since 2017 she has been an expert on the subject in Criminal Law and Criminal Law of Economics at "Sapienza-University of Rome".
From February to May 2018 she was a reader at the University of Oxford and in January 2019 she was a visiting scientist at the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg.
She is the author of numerous scientific publications and collaborates on a regular basis with the Cassazione Criminal magazine


La procedura estintiva ambientale: l’idea dell'inoffensività/non punibilità in ottica riparatoria e deflattiva n.1\2022