- Biography
Luca Ramacci, born in Rome in 1958, judge, is currently Supreme Court President in the Third Penal Chambe in the Corte Suprema di Cassazione and before was a deputy prosecutor in Belluno, Venice, and Tivoli.
He has authored numerous articles in national and international journals, and was a speaker in national and international conferences, as well as lecturing at masters and formative courses for judiciary police personnel (Carabinieri, Polizia di Stato, Guardia di Finanza, Corpo Forestale, Polizie Locali) including teaching abroad on investigation techniques for environmental crime.
He was appointed multiple times lecturer for professional development courses for judges and prosecutors organised by the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura and the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, wherein he also co-ordinated some of the courses and was consequently appointed representative for local training for the Corte di Cassazione – Sezione Penale.
He has authored numerous books also used as textbooks in some universities.
He was an advisor to the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into waste cycle, and was part of the Commission for the rewriting of the unified environmental law code, and the Research group to identify strategies and political priorities for the analysis, revision, and implementation of the environmental preservation law, which was appointed by the Ministry for the Environment.
He founded and manages Lexambiente an online law journal (www.lexambiente.it).
He also founded this journal where he is scientific director (with Carlo Ruga Riva)ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL
La tutela dall’inquinamento delle acque marittime e costiere (n. 3\2019)
Tutela dell’ambiente e sequestri nella giurisprudenza di legittimità (n. 4\2019)
L'abbandono di rifiuti tra sanzioni penali e sanzioni amministrative (n. 3\2021)
La responsabilità per colpa in caso di inquinamento e disastro ambientale (n. 2\2023)