Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Penale dell'ambiente 
Rivista classificata scientifica per il settore IUS17 da ANVUR - ISSN 2612-2113



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In March 2017, she graduated in Law from the University of Milan-Bicocca with a single-cycle degree in Criminal Law with a thesis on "Safety at work and criminally liable subjects", supervisor: Prof. Carlo Ruga Riva. During his university studies, he focused his interests on issues relating to environmental protection, with the awareness and desire to deepen them in his professional future.
After graduating, she continued to collaborate with the University and was awarded a scholarship for research activities as part of the Ecore@ti project "The new environmental crimes: analysis of legal profiles and verification of their application in practice". She assists the chair of Environmental Criminal Law, Chiar.mo Prof. Carlo Ruga Riva, collaborating with the same as co-rapporteur for degree theses.
Since April 2017 she has been practising law and is enrolled in the Register of Qualified Practitioners of the Court of Milan.


Le sentenze in materia di reati ambientali presso il Tribunale di Milano nel triennio 2015-2017: risultati e prospettive (n. 4\2018)