VERGINE Alberta Leonarda

- Biography
Graduated in Law with full marks in the a.y. 1971-72, then scholarship holder, research fellow and researcher, since 1980 in role at the University of Pavia (Faculty of Law), from the a.y. 1993-94 professor aff. of Criminal law of the environment (examination borrowed also from the faculties of Law, Economy and Commerce, Engineering) in the Faculty of Political Sciences; from 2003, prof. aff. of criminal law of the environment also in the faculty of Physics (specialistic degree), from 2006 to 2015 (year of retirement) prof. agg. of criminal law of the environment in the Faculty of Political Sciences.
From 1990 to 2015 (year of retirement) lecturer in Elements of criminal law and procedure applied to healthcare in the School of Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine and in the School of Specialisation in Workers' Legal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Pavia.
For more than 15 years Secretary of the University Commission, then member of the Integrated Academic Senate, then elected to the Academic Senate, appointed member of the Academic Senate Select Committee and appointed member of the University Council.
Member of the Commission for Safety in the University and consultant to the University on environmental issues and safety and hygiene at work.
Member of the ministerial commission for the application of legislative decree 626/94 to universities.
Since 1994, member of the Technical Committee for Waste of the Province of Pavia until its termination, and of the Quarry Council of the Province of Pavia, from its establishment until February 2012.
Since 1995, member, as legal expert, of the Ethics Committee of the University of Pavia until the Committee ceased its activities in August 2013
Representative of the University of Pavia in the Scientific Council for the Environment of the Lombardy Foundation for the Environment until 2005.
From 1999 to November 2005 Delegate of the Magnificent Rector of the University of Pavia for the environment and safety.
From its inception until the end of his activity, Head of the legal area of the European School of Advanced Studies in Integrated Environmental Management and lecturer at the same School (IUSS) of the University of Pavia.
Member of the Working Group of the Ministry of University and Research for the application of Legislative Decree 81/2008 on the health and safety of workers at universities.
Since its establishment, member of the Scientific Committee, and in 2012-2014 also Director, of the Interdepartmental Research Centre on Occupational Health and Safety at the University of Pavia.
Member of the Societé International de droit pènal; Member of the Italian Association of Criminal Law Professors; Founding member and member of the Association of Environmental Lawyers, founding member and President of the Association111 (
Lecturer in numerous Level I and II Master's degrees: among others: Environmental Law, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Siena and at the Faculty of Law of Bergamo; on hydrocarbons at the University of Pavia in collaboration with ENI Raffinazione; for Competent Doctor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Pavia.
Lecturer at refresher courses for magistrates organised by the Superior Council of the Magistracy.
Member of the editorial board of the CEDAM Quarterly Review of Criminal Law in the Economy; of the IPSOA review Ambiente&Sviluppo; of the Italian Review of Environmental Law EditorialeScientifica; of the Italian Review of Tourism Law; of Lexambiente, Quarterly Review of Criminal Law in the Environment; contributor to the daily newspaper ilSole24ore.
He teaches environmental criminal law and criminal law on health and safety at work in several training courses organised by public and private bodies.
He has carried out and continues to carry out consultancy activities for public (regional, provincial and municipal administrations) and private entities in the field of environmental law and occupational health and safety. Since 2017 he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Almo Collegio Borromeo of Pavia, and since 2018 he has been its Coordinator.
Author of more than 300 publications and various contributions on both "general" criminal law and environmental and occupational safety criminal law, he has participated as a speaker in more than 100 conferences concerning environmental law and workers' health and safety issues.ARTICLES PUBLISHED ON THIS JOURNAL
Brevi note a margine di Cass. sez. III, n. 9736/2020 (n. 4/2020)