Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Penale dell'ambiente 
Rivista classificata scientifica per il settore IUS17 da ANVUR - ISSN 2612-2113



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FIMIANI Pasquale



Magistrate since 1986 has been acting as Deputy Attorney General at the Court of Cassation and since 2017 has promoted in the field of implementation of art. 6 of the d.lgs. 106/2006 on the subject of uniform prosecution, the establishment of the Network of General Prosecutors in environmental matters of which he is coordinator.
He is the author of several monographs and numerous publications in journals and books in various fields, including, in particular, environmental and urban matters, European criminal law, occupational safety, the department of jurisdiction, the administrative and local law, the professional responsibility of magistrates.
He was a contract professor in the subjects of "Environmental Law" and Criminal Law of the company, at the faculties of economics and managerial sciences of the University G. D'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara.
He has collaborated with the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the Waste Cycle and has been a member of several Expert Committees at the Ministry of Environment and Protection of the Territory and The Sea.


Gli aspetti problematici nel sistema di estinzione dei reati ambientali previsto dal titolo VI-bis del T.U.A. (n.4\2019)

Il diritto penale di fronte alla sostenibilità e ai principi ambientali (n. 1\2023)